Grafitalia - exhibition numbers and infos

8 settembre 2012


Established since many years as the standard-setting event for all major global industry players, today Grafitalia is the place where traditional technology and digital innovation meet and combine. The result is the most exhaustive, comprehensive and up-to-date event in the communication industry, capable of gathering the entire Italian community of technology users and content producers.

Grafitalia is designed as a strongly integration-oriented system exhibition. This strategy has proved to be far-sighted and extremely fruitful. The universe of publishing and commercial printing finds top-range solutions for any product customization needs at Grafitalia.

Today Grafitalia attracts a wide-ranging public including advertising agencies, editorial service providers, graphic design firms and emerging kinds of communication professionals. Grafitalia 2009 enjoyed the presence of 470 exhibitors, and over 38,000 visitors.

The combination of these new publics and the loyal Grafitalia followers creates a vast, highly qualified audience, composed of company owners and executives for whom Grafitalia is the only place to be, especially when they need to decide on new investment.




Grafitalia, held in conjunction with Converflex – Converting, Package Printing & Labelling – which completes and enhances its value, is the most important exhibition in Italy and among the most important on an international scale, a great, all-comprehensive system exhibition combining traditional and innovative technology to offer visitors the widest possible range of technological solutions available today.
At Grafitalia exhibitors are certain to meet key purchase decision-makers: in the last edition, 90% of visitors were company executives or owners with decision-making power. Moreover, Grafitalia combines a comprehensive product display with opportunities for update and discussion on topics pertaining to innovation and development through the Innovation Corner and an across-the-board event calendar.
Grafitalia is supported by a wide-ranging, far-reaching communication activity employing the most effective media, and in addition, it provides assistance to its exhibitors with their communication and promotion activity through a series of effective tools, such as the collection and publication of the Technological Preview.
The Technology Preview will be published online two months before the exhibition, thus allowing operators to consult in advance the novelties presented by companies and to organize their visit to the fair.






Grafitalia 2013 is staged at the Fieramilano Exhibition Complex, Rho (Milan).
Easily reachable from the airport and railway stations by special shuttle buses,  the complex is located just a short subway ride from the city center. It is reputed to be one of Europe’s most important venues for the quality of its exhibition spaces, its technology, size and logistic services.
Italy’s most important place to exhibit and the best place to do business.





Graphic Arts, Print Media and Communication

Fieramilano, Rho,Milan, Italy,
May 7-11 2013


Organizing Secretariat:
Centrexpo Spa
Corso Sempione, 4
20154 Milan (Italy)
Phone: +39 02319109.1
Fax: +39 02341677


Grafitalia is promoted by
ACIMGA (The Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industry)

ASSOGRAFICI (the Italian Printing and Paper Converting Industries Association).


In co-operation with:
ARGI (the Association of Italian Agents and Distributors of Machinery, Systems and Products for the Graphic Industry),

ASSO.IT (the Italian Association of IT Suppliers),

SIOTEC (Italian Association for the Textile Screen Printing and Specialized Printing Industry) and

XPLOR ITALIA (Electronic Document Systems Association).


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